You must register at the annual assignor meetings or pre-register on the new registration site - OMS https://me.omgtsys.com.
The fee is $100.00, and you must register online, pay, and do the background check. This year all clubs with a registered assignor will get a referee mentor to work with their referees.
Returning Assignors looking to re cert will need to complete the Online Lessons and attend a ZOOM or in person clinic. ​
If you don’t attend a ZOOM clinic or attend an in-person class and complete all the online lessons, you are not affiliated with USSF AND SOCCER MAINE. We will not be able to register you with US Soccer.
You can’t assign games if you are not Registered. This means Travel, Recreational, and
Tournaments. All clubs must have a registered assignor.
Classes are available on OMS - please sign up ASAP.
Assigning responsibilities and the new mentoring program will be discussed at these meetings.
Contact Peter LeVasseur -
A. If you are already a OMS user you can just sign into OMS. https://me.omgtsys.com
with your user ID and Password.
Only an OMS user ID and password will work. We downloaded all referees/Assignors from 2019 TO 2023 to the new system and to sign into the OMS system you will use your email address as the username and your last name all UPPERCASE. ------ as your password.
B. Once on OMS go to the classes and sign up for the assignor class.
C. If you are new to OMS, you can sign on as a New User.
Thank you, Peter LeVasseur, SDI.
If you are a new assignor for your club, please contact Peter LeVasseur at - pjlevasseur@metrocast.net.
so, he can arrange a new assignor’s class for you.​​
These are the assignors in your area: as of 12/06/2024
Andreasen, Mike Cumberland mandreasen@sad15.org Cumberland SC Brown, Charlie Lewiston soccerref207@gmail.com UPSL
Cary, Erin Manchester / Maranacook travelingsoxfans@hotmail.com Gardiner/Augusta/Maranacook SC
Carson, Debra Gray debcarson@me.com Patriot SC
Chalmers, Margie Falmouth margie.chalmers@gmail.com Falmouth SC ​
Chard, Sam Topsham/Brunswick samnrna@comcast.net MerryMeet/ Topsham/Brunswick SC
Collins, David Windham dandtcollins@gmail.com Gorham,Saco,Buxton,Windham,NEP
Dellara, Eric Kennebunk edall16@gmail.com Kennebunk SC
Drew, Allen Guilford adrewno6@gmail.com State/Bangor/Brewer/Coldbrook/Ellsworth Foster, Brian Westbrook fossah1980@gmail.com Westbrook SC Gilbert, Dean Freeport deangilbert44@gmail.com Freeport SC
Giroux, Josh Winslow/Waterville jgiroux2@gmail.com Winslow/Waterville SC
Graser, Kurt Portland kurt.graser@gmail.com Portland SC / PAYSA
Harlow, Ryan Casco rharlow.lrbs@gmail.com Lake Region
Johnston, Russell Scarborough johnston_russ@hotmail.com Scarborough SC
Joyce, Shelley Farmington sjoyce04938@yahoo.com Farmington SC
Kay, Taylor South Portland sopostrikersassignor@gmail.com South Portland SC
Krul, Robbie Rockport dsasoccer@hotmail.com Camden/Rockport Area
Levasseur, Peter Sanford pjlevasseur@metrocast.net Sanford YSA, Massabesic Soccer Club Mehalic, Matt Falmouth refereeassignor@falmouthsoccer.com Falmouth SC
Owen, Matthew Yarmouth matthewowen1967@gmail.com Yarmouth SC
Pereira, Scott Eliot / Kittery spcp1230@comcast.net Marshwood SC/ Kittery SC
Paul, Sterling Gardner sterl73@yahoo.com Gardner SC
Pelletier, Jason Kittery Jason.pelletier@sanofi.com State
Petersen, Mark Falmouth rpeters1@maine.rr.com Falmouth Tournament
Reynolds, Tom Cape Elizabeth thomasqreynolds@gmail.com Cape Elizabeth SC
Richards, Kevin Penn Bay kevinrichardskr65@gmail.com Penn Bay SC
Roberge, Daniel Kingston nhsaamvp@hotmail.com State
Straszak, David Lewiston/Auburn microdir@me.com Lewiston/Auburn YSA
Thorton, Greg Westbrook thorntong@westbrookschools.org Roosevelt SC
Williams, Sean Gorham seanarthurwill@gmail.com Gorham SC ​